
India Permanent formation

Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva
India-FpThe permanent formation programme was held on 12th January. This is the fifth and last session under the topic 'Reconciliation' with Fr. Maria Antony. 
On this last day of the on-going formation, 2013 - 14, the topic of the input was handling of one's own emotions which play a crucial role in one's relationship. The facilitator pointed out that no emotion is bad in itself, but it is improper handling of emotions that create a lot of havoc. Then a few concrete methods of handling our emotions were proposed - the methods such as pro-act, swish, brainstorming, getting rid of fear etc. 
The next session is fixed for 31st March, under the topic 'Eucharist' with another facilitator.

15 Gennaio 2014